
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cracker Candy

In honor of one of my bestest girlfriends Sue, today I'm posting her cracker candy recipe.  I got it from her in 2006 and make it every single Christmas.  It's super simple with super yummy ingredients.  Sugar, butter, peanut butter chips, chocolate chips.  How can you go wrong, I say!   

Sue's Cracker Candy:
Sue Lauricella 2006     

Saltine Crackers - enough to cover a large baking sheet
1 cup sugar
1 cup unsalted butter = two sticks
8 ounces peanut butter chips
10 ounces mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with tin foil and line up your saltine crackers in a neat and orderly fashion. 
I must admit that the saltines that I had when I made this all looked like they had been run over by a truck.  It was rather difficult to find whole crackers!  So, please pardon my haphazard cracker arrangement...

In a medium saucepan over medium high heat, place the butter and sugar.
It will look like this...

Stir constantly and it will start to look like this...

Then it will start to boil. 
Continue the constant stirring for 3 minutes so it looks like this...

Immediately pour the butter/sugar mixture over the crackers, spreading to cover all saltines involved.

Bake in the oven for 10 minutes until it has a nice caramel color.

Remove pan from oven and immediately pour 8 ounces of peanut butter chips onto the crackers.  As they melt spread them around.  Oh My!

Next, pour the mini chocolate chips on.  Sue's recipe states to press down on the crackers.  I prefer to do a fancy swirl to mix the peanut butter chips with the chocolate ones.  

Put the pan in the freezer until the concoction hardens.  For me this means going down the scary steps to the even scarier basement.  But I do it.  For this recipe I would do anything.

Once they are nice and frozen, crack them into bite-sized pieces in the pan removing the tin foil as you go along.

Options for toppings are chopped nuts or crushed candy canes.
I'm a purist though and the original is my favorite.

Thanks Sue!  
Happy Holidays!        

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